Bahia Restaurant
- T.: 972 340 322
- Passeig del Mar 19, i Socors, 4
- Tossa de Mar Girona17320Spain
- [email protected]
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The "Cim i Tomba" Cuisine
Potatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes, oil, spices and especially fish... fresh fish. This is the base of “Cim i Tomba”, the dish prepared by the Tossa de Mar fishermen during their long fishing days, which has ended up becoming the maximum gastronomic reference of the town.
Every September, the restaurants that participate in the Cuina Tradicional Tossenca collective offer a delicious menu with the “Cim i Tomba” as the main course. A perfect occasion to discover this fantastic recipe and to learn more about this beautiful villa of marine tradition.